Created in February 2020, this work revolves around the profound theme of bread as a symbol and vital element of human existence - a powerful representation of our need for nourishment. Inspired by the 13 verses in the Bible dedicated to bread and the profound words of Jesus, who spoke to humanity through relatable metaphors, the artwork delves into the significance of bread in our lives.
Bread carries immense symbolic value, accompanying individuals from birth to death, weaving through the tapestry of their existence. The act of making bread becomes an expressive form of communication and self-awareness, capable of providing immense stress relief.
Notably, the conception of this artwork coincided with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in Italy, just before the first lockdown. Its timing holds significant meaning for me as an artist, as it seemingly foretold the challenges that lay ahead. In the wake of the pandemic, with increased time on their hands, many people turned to baking bread as a therapeutic outlet. In a world grappling with a global health crisis, economic instability, and widespread job losses, bread offered solace and alleviated anxiety through the communal act of breaking bread together.
Almost three years have passed since then, and while we already emerged from the darkest days of the pandemic, the essence of bread remains unchanged. We must never forget its profound importance, for even today, there are countless individuals living in abject poverty who do not have bread on their tables. This stark reality stands in strong contrast to the consumerist mindset prevalent in our world, where excessive waste and disregard for this precious resource persist.